Day 18: Analysis paralysis
For me, the answer wasn’t immediately clear. I wanted to narrow the search space of things to work on, so I set a goal for myself to list 10 problem spaces that I’d be passionate about. Though I created a list of 10 things, none of them seemed to resonate with me or give me that excitement I thought I’d get. So the search continued. It was all happening in my head. I’d think of something, run through hypothetical scenarios in my head, and eventually discard it.
I felt paralyzed.
Looking back at times where I have felt passionate, the passion would never be there on day 1. It’s something I had to cultivate by showing up again and again until the motivation became intrinsic. So tomorrow, I want to teach myself this:
A “wrong” decision is usually better than no decision at all. Decisions are simply starting points to a much longer series of decisions, each slightly altering your path. Instead of trying to decide what I love from the onset, I want to discover it through trial and error.