Leave home at a reasonable time with ample time to spare.
Reach the entrance to the parking lot. “This entrance is closed, please use alternate entrance.” Maps says it’s a 10 minute drive away.
Realize Maps wants us to go through the parking lot to get to the alternate entrance. Instead, improvise a route yourself and finally make it to the second entrance.
There’s an accident that occurred right at the entrance, blocking our way in. Drive on the wrong side of the road to finally make it to the ticketing booth.
Spend 15 minutes driving around the parking lot, realizing there’s not a single empty spot among the hundreds.
Luck out by finding a person on their way out. Take their spot and head the shuttle stop.
Wait an extra 10 minutes for the shuttle to arrive.
Arrive at the terminal listed on the airline’s app, pass relatively easily through security, and locate our gate.
Why. is. it. so. far. away? Sprint across three whole airport terminals to make it to the gate.
Make it with just a single minute to spare. All planned.