Day 28: More unknowns
This week, my mindset has shifted from what it’s been in previous weeks. In past weeks, I was worried about finding the perfect idea to get started on, but I’ve now realized the trap that such a mindset can be. Now that I’ve committed to at least finishing the audio synth project, a whole new Pandora’s Box of questions have emerged.
How will I know when it’s finished? The scope of my project is pretty flexible, so I’m thinking of ways to time-box and limit the set of features. Right now, the vision is making something like Desmos where people can share their musical creations.
What if no one wants to use it? Some customer validation before starting this project would’ve been smart, but I wasn’t even considering monetizing this until recently. Worst case, I’ll still have had lots of fun making it.
How is this unique from existing solutions? There’s a few projects that offer an almost identical set of features, so it’s my job to come up with unique selling points for my creation.
I’m confident I’ll be able to find answers, but for now they’ll remain as unknowns. Unknowns are part of the process, and I’m working to be more comfortable with that fact.