Yesterday, I wrote about how I wanted to learn how to commit to my goals, so I devised a small exercise to practice. I told myself that I’d work on one of my projects for the entire day and see how far it took me. The project itself is a web-based modular synth.
I noticed a two things from this experiment that I’d like to share:
Staying focused requires conscious effort. There were many times in the day where I was either distracted, demotivated, or encountered a hurdle. I would have to remind myself of the mission and power through the challenge until motivation kicked in again.
My interest in the project grew over time. For every bug I fixed or feature I added, I found myself wanting to work more on the project. It was like harnessing sunk cost fallacy in a positive way. As I write this, there’s so many things I want to add before I consider it a usable tool.
These are lessons I can extrapolate to my “real” projects, so I’m glad I tried this out. And, in case you were wondering, here’s what the project looks like so far (it may be a bit loud).