I feel like I’m at the top of a roller-coaster that’s about to descend very, very quickly. On the first day of this journey, I told the world I’d commit myself to doing what I love for the next 90 days. Now, I’m asking myself the question I probably should have answered much earlier—what do I love?
In recent days, I’ve spoken with a few people to help iron out problem spaces that I’d be passionate enough to work on. Every single time, my mind goes blank. All these years, I’ve been able to get by without addressing that question. It’s so much easier to make decisions based on money or prestige than to ask yourself what you’d do if they both never existed. The answer requires a whole lot of introspection, and frankly, I’m not sure how I’ll know I’ve arrived at the right answer.
I need to give myself the space to think. This weekend, I’m allowing myself to be bored more often. Boredom allows thoughts and ideas to wander freely and make new connections in my mind. It’s why the best ideas come to us in the shower (should I just stay in the shower longer?). If you’re planning to go down this path yourself, I highly encourage thinking about the question for yourself before taking the leap.
The progress I’m making these next few days will likely be introspective, so I might omit the section as I’ve done today.
Great post! I've been here, and it can be a tough spot but I've found it to be an incredibly fruitful time after emerging out the other side.
Your post also inspired me to write a sort of response, if you happen to be interested: https://billy.dev/posts/what-you-like